- Stonewall Fire Pit
Stonewall Fire Pit
An easy way to build a firepit is by using our 6" or 8" tall Stonewall. This makes an approximate 5'1" outside circle with an approximate 36" inner. 16 units are required per course. Two style split fronts are available, straight and traditional for both Stonewall and the cap. Being a round project most folks use the traditional split. A 4" stonewall wedge shape solid cap is required on top.
Often a 36" steel fire pit liner is placed inside instead of using firebrick. Some advantages of a steel inner, generally steel is cheaper than firebrick, you can lift it out to dump ashes, you can upgrade the steel to a lid to extinguish flames (no water mess -plus water trapped inside masonry when heated may cause it to explode), and even barbecue options are available.
Photo is 2 courses 8" tan in traditional cut, with a red wedge shape solid cap.